My First Born Sassa

 In loving memory of my dear Sassa, our journey together was a heartwarming tale of devotion and companionship:

It was a warm summer day on August 30, 2021, when my husband brought Sassa into our home. At just 40 days old, she was a fluffy, white bundle of joy, with the promise of a wonderful future. This adorable pup was a gift from my husband's friend for his birthday, but he, in turn, gifted her to me. Sassa was a mix of Shih Tzu and Japanese Spitz, but her appearance was all Japanese Spitz. I fell in love with her from the very beginning and named her Sassa, a name came from Sanza Stark of but made a little changes in the second syllable so it wound sounded a bit like mine and also had a touch of my favorite swimwear brand. It was a fitting name for our new family member.

During those early days, I was five months pregnant, and Sassa quickly became an essential part of our growing family. I cared for her as if she were my first child, handling everything from feeding and bathing to playtime and cuddles. Sassa was more than just a pet; she was my faithful companion who stuck by my side, following me wherever I went. Her loyalty and devotion made her seem like my furry daughter. Whenever she feels sleepy at day, she will go and sleep underneath where I am sitting or somewhere near me.

Bathing Sassa was always a bit of a challenge because she had a strong aversion to water. Despite my best efforts, she made it clear that baths were not her favorite activity. As my baby bump grew, giving her regular baths became increasingly difficult, and so her fluffy coat held a few secrets. Until we cannot bath her because she will growl at you and it seems like she will bite you.

Sassa's love extended to mealtime; she preferred to be hand-fed and had a discerning palate, enjoying her food only when I mixed it with the right combination.

As time passed, our bond deepened. Sassa's loyalty was unwavering, and she became my constant companion, always eager to greet me when I returned home. Every morning, she'd wait by the door, ready to show her love by placing her two front feet on me, a heartwarming gesture that always brought a smile to my face.

Sassa had a playful side too, often pretending to be on the hunt for imaginary rats, perhaps her shy way of expressing her affection. During my pregnancy, I would carry her when my husband and I took walks in the park, cautious not to let other dogs get too close.

After I gave birth, my parents advised keeping my baby away from Sassa, fearing jealousy and potential health risks from her fur. However, as my child grew, I noticed that Sassa adored her. She was protective and even forgiving of my daughter's playful kicks. 

As the time approached for me to go abroad, just two weeks remained before my departure when Sassa fell ill. It appeared to be canine distemper, and she struggled with phlegm, weakness, and a loss of appetite. Her condition deteriorated quickly, and I felt helpless as I couldn't afford the treatment she needed. I wished for the resources to vaccinate her and provide the necessary medication.

Tragically, on August 7, 2023, I awoke at 4 am, desperately searching for Sassa. Panic set in as she was nowhere to be found. I scoured the house, called her name, even ventured outside, but she didn't respond. It was my mother who broke the heart-wrenching news – Sassa had passed away around 3 am, while I was asleep.

The grief was overwhelming, compounded by the feeling that I hadn't been there to comfort her in her final moments. I was left with a profound sense of guilt and sorrow. The loss of Sassa, my faithful companion who had been a part of my life through so many milestones, was a heavy burden to bear.

Now, as I find myself abroad, the pain of Sassa's absence lingers. Her memory is a reminder of the unconditional love and devotion she brought into my life, and I hold her close in my heart, forever missing her.

#myfurbaby #missing


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