My First Born Sassa

In loving memory of my dear Sassa, our journey together was a heartwarming tale of devotion and companionship: It was a warm summer day on August 30, 2021, when my husband brought Sassa into our home. At just 40 days old, she was a fluffy, white bundle of joy, with the promise of a wonderful future. This adorable pup was a gift from my husband's friend for his birthday, but he, in turn, gifted her to me. Sassa was a mix of Shih Tzu and Japanese Spitz, but her appearance was all Japanese Spitz. I fell in love with her from the very beginning and named her Sassa, a name came from Sanza Stark of but made a little changes in the second syllable so it wound sounded a bit like mine and also had a touch of my favorite swimwear brand. It was a fitting name for our new family member. During those early days, I was five months pregnant, and Sassa quickly became an essential part of our growing family. I cared for her as if she were my first child, handling everything from feeding and bathin...